Jarvis Walker Zenith Spin
The Jarvis Walker Water Rat Telescopic Combos are designed to make fishing possible in locations and situations where carrying a standard fishing outfit is difficult. We’ve all experienced situations where owning a compact fishing outfit would have meant the difference between fishing and not fishing. And let’s face it – we’d all rather be fishing!
The Jarvis Walker Water Rat Telescopic Combos are available in three versatile sizes to ensure that most fishing situations are covered. All of the combos include a ball bearing reel with a stainless steel main shaft and brass pinion gear, and they come pre-spooled with line.
The 6-foot, 2-5kg Telescopic Spin Combo holds 235 yards of 6lb monofilament line and is ideal for light estuary and freshwater fishing. The 8-foot, 3-7kg General Purpose Telescopic Combo has a line capacity of 175 yards of 18lb mono and is ideal for large estuary and freshwater species, but is also suitable for light inshore work. The 10-foot, 6-10kg Telescopic Surf Combo is designed for beach and rock fishing where longer casts and extended reach is important. The Surf Combos are also equipped to handle larger fish.
Whether you’re travelling in light planes to remote areas, riding a bicycle along the coast, or on an extended trek through the jungle, having a telescopic rod and reel combo that packs down into a highly compact format is a smart investment.
Feature List
- Ball bearing reel
- Stainless steel main shaft
- Brass pinion gear
- Spooled with line
- Telescopic rod